
Showing posts from 2020

4 Tips to Having a Life You are Excited to Wake Up To.

Go to college. Get a degree. Get a job. Retire at 65. This is the life most of our parents lead and taught us to repeat. In fact, those of us who dared to venture away from this template were thought to be crazy, lazy, or stupid. Resumes are sent out to headhunters, and job sites like Zip Recruiter and Monster are flooded with the desperate seeking a j-o-b. Yet, even in 'secure' jobs with a pension (the few that may still exist), many feel empty and unfulfilled despite the great pay, benefits, and corporate uptick. A great idea may even cross their mind or fall into their lap - and after mulling the idea wistfully around for a few moments, fear takes over and they talk themselves right back into the 9-5 grind. It is the template they know. It is the program their families endorse. To do anything else is a flight of fancy. Even with the gig economy in full steam - there are many who cannot embrace the independent contractor or entrepreneur lifestyle.Yet, inside there is a naggin