Stop the Money Bleed! The Sharks are Nearby.

Spend Spend Spend all day Spend it all away... Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily... Money goes away. OMG! Those shoes are SO Cute! WHAAAT? That purse is on SALE? I gotta have it. I need a dress for that party. I have a closet full of nothing to wear. That top is so last year! Get this one. I need that man toy - I mean, tool. If he loved me, he would get me that $5K ring . That bigger one would make all my friends jealous, so that is the one I need. I don't want that lame-o Toyota! I am getting me a BMW. Duh Nuh! Duh Nuh! Duh Nuh Duh Nuh Duh Nuh Duh Nu! When you are in spending frenzy - do not be surprised if Facebook, Google, and Instagram seem to show you all you have been craving. Suddenly, every sale will beckon to you. It is as if (sharks) sellers can smell your money and they have come to take it. Impulse, perishable, and depreciating purchases deplete wealth potential. Yet - we do it all the time then cry "BROKE!" Living above your mean...