The Widow's 2 Mites & Why Benny Hinn is Recanting his stance on the 'Prosperity Gospel'.

There are too many good Christians in line for a handOUT instead of being in a position to offer a hand UP. This needs to change, and I have partnered with God to do my part to help change that.

Christians & Money...
Benny Hinn is a well-known 'Prosperity Gospel' Preacher
Over the years he has shouted to the in-house and online congregation to 'send a seed of $1000 or more and the Lord will reward you 110 fold' (paraphrased). Now, in his late 60's, Benny Hinn is spending his time recanting this doctrine. Please see more in this 9-12-2019  article published in Christian Today.

This 'name it and claim it' 'Prosperity Gospel' has enough truth in it to 'fool the elect, if possible'; but it flies in the face of Jesus's encounter with the widow who cast her two mites into the offering plate. She did not have $1000 to seed her fantastic future, but some in the audience did - and here is what Jesus said in Mark 12:41-44, "And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty"

The problem I had with this camp is the focus was on sending money to these Preachers as the way to cast 'seed'. The following promise of the harvest was for doing as they asked. I do believe that anything I ask in the name of Jesus, believing it - I can have it. That is NOT the same as sending money to a specific preacher of a specific amount and expecting a direct correlation between that giving experience and the returns promised.

I believe the Lord will prompt seed giving and you will feel that urge to give in your heart and it may be to a random person, to your family member, and yes - maybe to your Pastor. However, that prompting is Holy Spirit driven, not pulpit shouted.

I also have said repeatedly that prosperity is NOT entitled (a key component of the 'Prosperity Gospel' movement). However, I do advocate that prosperity IS within reach. We need to position ourselves for God's favor by being in His will for our lives, tithing, and work! Yes! I said that horrid four-letter word, W-O-R-K.

Work and planting seed go hand in hand. The Bible's favorite analogy is the Farmer, the talk of weeds, the God-controlled aspect after planting (weather, etc) and then the fact that a harvest can be 30, 60, 100 fold when the seed falls on good soil.

I have worked hard to differentiate myself from the 'Prosperity Gospel' bunch. I am so glad that Benny Hinn has heard the Holy Spirit's correction and has become obedient to the re-direction of his audience.
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Because prosperity is not entitled, 
but it is within reach.

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Why 'Snuggle with your Trouble'?
Why 'Protect your Problems'? 

We know some of you would rather play incognito; observing without taking action.  However, whatever your current money situation, it is an OUTCOME of your thinking and actions. If you don't like the fruit don't blame the fruit, blame the seed. Maybe it is time to plant some new ones?   


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