10 Tips So Florida Residents Can Delete Debt Fast

This is a blog series.  Read Part 1 of this post HERE

7 Easy Actions Florida Residents Can Use to Delete Debt Fast

Grim statistics tell the facts. Florida residents are deep in debt by the millions. I may just have your solution - IF, in addition to the state laws and legal options, you are also willing to receive Biblical insights and encouragement.

Want it or Not - Florida Residents Need a Money Fixer Upper NOW! Pt.2


Where do you stack up against the average?

$5,700 is relatively easy to pay off. The thing to remember is - this is an AVERAGE! There are some who are tracking in at $50K+ in debt, and some in these statistics with $100 in debt. The higher your debt, the harder and longer it will take to pay down, but if this is your goal - read on.

7 Easy Debt Deleting Strategies

1. Dana, one of my former clients who did a workshop with me to save her $1000 Emergency Cash Stash found $100 in coins to start her saving account. You can too. 
Go through every purse, jeans pocket, the sofa cushions, your kid's toy bins, and so on and collect all the coins you find. Some banks have a coin for cash exchange machine. Wells Fargo, where I bank asks that I bring the coins in already rolled - but they will accept coins. I found coin sleeves in my local Dollar Store. However, there are coins for cash exchange that will, for a small fee, give you paper bills in exchange for your coins. 

2. As you collect change from spending activities, add them to a jar and when the jar is full, exchange that for paper bills as well. The bigger the bill the bigger the emotional charge to break it on trivial expenses, so go for the Benjamins.

3. Sell the extras - and trust me, you have extras. My daughter regularly sells her one-time worn, 
'I- will-never- be- seen- in- this- outfit- again', on Offer Up, etc.

4. Do odd jobs for the elderly for cash. So many would be grateful to pay $25/hour for a handful of chores. Let them know you are available and give them one hour of your time to take the trash to the curb, walk their dogs, change a light bulb, etc.

5. If you have a BA Degree, teach Chinese Kids to speak English. VIP Kid pays $20-22/hour and the hours are 4am-9am EST and you pick your slots and frequency of teaching time so it is easy to head on to work after. If you want to check this opportunity out, click HERE then enter referral code TRUDY0007. I make $400/month because my goal is to earn my car payment + gas $. However, my friend who shared this opportunity with me earned $2186 for the month of February 2019. How much you make yourself available to teach is totally up to you.

6. Take this twist on a storage cleanout - yours, or offer to do a friend/relative's garage/storage with the agreement that anything they no longer want is yours (so even if they do not pay you to do the job, still make the offer). Then, offer these things for sale. I had a client do this for her mom. She sanded down an old dresser and painted it. She also took photos and wrote quick descriptions of books etc. Then, she posted all these for sale online/garage sale.

7. Do the 1-week, no grocery/no eat-out challenge. Save all your grocery money for that week. During this time, try to get invites to friends & family. Find new and creative ways to use up what is already in your house.

If you think you may do one, or all of these, please be sure to comment below and let me know which you will try first. Let's get Debt FREE!

Why not check out my Amazon BEST SELLER CASHercise(TM). How to Be Debt Free, Outrageously Profitable & Joyfully Generous.


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